Pillow Drumming
This is a great workshop for everybody and any location. The only things you'll need are a pillow and a pair of sticks. You do not always need a drumset to play drums or have always access to them. A lot of great drummers played on pillows before they even got their first drumset. Together we will play and discover rhythm's and also have a great hand workout. be prepared for a fun experience and work on things like timing, technique, strength, endurance and speed. Or just simply to really dig into drumming for once.
Adding More Drums
A fun workshop where participants need to work together to create an groove/beat. Nowadays a drumset consists of multiple drums and cymbals which are played my one person. This was not always the case. In this workshop everybody plays one part of the drumset and slowly emerge into one drumset. we go from multiple drummers to one drummer. A great starting point to develop your coordination and timing.